Family Therapy

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Dad comes home and yells at Mom.  Mom yells at kid. Kid kicks the dog.  Dog bites Dad. This is an example of how emotions and reactions to our emotions affect the family system.  How does anger, grief, depression, anxiety, fear, stress, addiction, shame affect your household? 

Family Therapy is a therapeutic approach to healing the whole system.   When one family member is experiencing a significant emotional dysregulation or stressful event, it affects the whole family and household. Family Therapy provides a safe space to process difficult emotions; learn healthy communication styles; find supportive ways to identify emotions and learn how to process through them; and develop positive coping skills as a family.  

It is ideal for the nuclear family, but your therapist may divide you up with 2 or more members at a time for some sessions and then bring you all back together for other sessions. 

If you would like more information or interested in scheduling a family therapy appointment, please contact our office.